Weekly Update 14October22

Hello, good to connect with you all again, sorry I didn’t get an update out last week. Classes are back on this week and we are moving forward with making disciples that can make disciples.

Today, Friday, is the round table where we’re going to discuss the idea of, can you lose your salvation? It should be very interesting.

I’ve had a rough couple of weeks physically. I’m going to guess it’s my allergies. They are a little crazy right now. My right eye is swelling inside my head, it’s bloodshot and watery. It has not been very fun. Thank you to everyone who’s been praying for me. Hopefully it’s just going to get better and better.

We celebrated Nimeri’s birthday last week and today is my friend Linda’s birthday, happy birthday Linda. I seem to know a lot of people who have birthdays in October, happy birthday to all you people.

Marius has been here this week building out a new stove design. We’re going to test it and see how it works. He’s got maybe half a days work left so be on the lookout for an update about that soon.

Please keep us covered in prayer as the students are back and and buckling down again to study. To know God better, to be able to divide the word and apply it to their lives. Prayers for the round table today and then in a couple weeks we’re going to show the Jesus film in luganda. One last prayer request, Beverly went to the US to have her surgery. She’s having a goiter removed from her neck. The goiter has grown inside her neck and since that’s a delicate surgery the doctor here advised her to go to the US for surgery.

Thank you guys for praying, I really do appreciate it so much. I really believe in the power of prayer thank you for coming on this journey with me and I’ll see you next week.

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